Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Snake in the grass...or in this case in the road!

Friday afternoon I was headed to pick Hailey Bug up from her last day at YMCA day camp.  She has had a blast spending her summers there, but it is time to return back to school!!!  As I make my way through the neighborhood near the Y, I notice something in the street.  At first I think it is a rope, but then it begins to move. 

If there are two things I hate the most in this world it is a spider and a snake...Spiders creep me out because they make their home out of their hiney....I'm not sure why this creeps me out, but it just does...

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(Image taken from www.pinterest.com)

(Image taken from www.pinterest.com)

And snakes creep me out because A.) Hello Adam & Eve.  Bible.  B.) They can climb trees with no arms or legs C.)  One almost took my husband from me merely two weeks after we said I do.  Stressful.  Anway...as the rope...er...snake.....started to slither I decided I wasn't going to let it slither up into the yard of an unsuspecting snake hater...we snake haters have to stick together....So as I have decided to pull a Uturn in the middle of the road I realize the car behind me is following suit, and the car behind them is also followimg suit.  Talk about snake haters sticking together....three cars made sure that snake would slither no more....Squish was more like it....

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Happy Tuesday Y'all!!!!

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